A promotional smartphone turned into a snake in Koboko District in particular Ombachi residential area

Occurred in Uganda on Nov. 10, 2019 at 3 p.m.
Reported by Jabe Judith via Internet on Nov. 10, 2019 at 3 p.m.
# phone # Uganda # Koboko

This report is Impossible to verify but probably false and is of High Priority. Here is why -
A team from the Techno Smartphone Company followed and could not find the source where the reported allegation on the promotional smartphone turning into a snake came from. According to the Techno marketing officer in Koboko, they conducted several promotions in Arua, Maracha, Koboko, Yumbe and in all the districts in Uganda but have never recorded such reported allegations. However, a team of Techno staff are deployed on the ground to find the source of this rumour for further investigation
Resolution added by - Sebit Martin
I have also heard this