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Rebel group of Paul Malong have regrouped along the Juba Nimule highway to target Equatorian. July 14, 2019 July 14, 2019
We hear that Gen Isaac Mamur has defected with all his forces and is preparing to shut down the Juba-Nimule Highways. July 12, 2019 July 11, 2019
We hear Ebola has reached South Sudan and has affected 5 people. This is causing fear among refugees with relatives and friends in Yei. July 12, 2019 July 11, 2019
A refugee woman was raped by two men while collecting firewood in Imvepi point A July 12, 2019 July 10, 2019
South Sudan youths demonstrators shut down the South Sudan Embassy in Kenya July 12, 2019 July 11, 2019
Three youth leaders of the RCM have been arrested in Nairobi, Kenya after conducting a peaceful protest against the Government of South Sudan July 12, 2019 July 9, 2019
7 people killed and more than 20 people injured in an Attack on Juba-Nimule Highway. Two trucks were also burned to ash. July 12, 2019 July 11, 2019
The Dinka soldiers who are in SPLA ruling party are killing the civilians of Yei town, in the villages and even in Yei Kaya road. July 8, 2019 June 20, 2019
We heard that the Ebola virus has reached to some the states of South Sudan and people are dying of the virus July 8, 2019 June 23, 2019
Armed Nuer men killed an Equatorian civilian in Juba July 8, 2019 June 23, 2019
Measles broke out in juba. July 8, 2019 April 16, 2019
Ten people were taken to isolation after being suspected of the Ebola virus in Koboko district. July 8, 2019 July 7, 2019
The up to ten people in Koboko district are affected with the Ebola virus and one confirmed dead in Ariwara July 8, 2019 July 8, 2019
The forces of Gen Paul Malong captured Juba from the government and all the forces loyal to the government have defected to him. July 8, 2019 July 8, 2019
The forces of Gen Paul Malong captured Juba from the government and all the forces loyal to the government have defected to him. July 8, 2019 July 8, 2019
We hear that the governor of Akobo state is dead. July 8, 2019 July 8, 2019
There was heavy fighting along the Juba Nimule high way at river Ashwa between the SSPDF and another unknown rebel group July 8, 2019 July 8, 2019
We heard that the SPLA/IO soldiers are dying of hunger in their containment sites. July 4, 2019 July 4, 2019
We heard that the SPLA/IO soldiers are dying of hunger in their containment sites. July 4, 2019 July 4, 2019
A fight between Dinka and Equatorians in Koboko left one person dead leaving several others wounded. July 4, 2019 July 4, 2019
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