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Ugandan peoples defense force (UPDF) fighting alongside the south sudan defense force in Equatoria region. Feb. 28, 2019 Feb. 26, 2019
A rumor reported that the leader of the NAS Thomas Cirillo Swaka is trapped in Angola after local authorities discovered he was in the country using fake Liberian passport. Feb. 27, 2019 Feb. 23, 2019
South Sudan Government sends national security to arrest prominent Equatorian elders who are in the refugee camps. Feb. 14, 2019 Jan. 21, 2019
Heavy gun fire in Morobo county as the south Sudan government forces and its allies battle against the National Salvation Front. Feb. 13, 2019 Feb. 11, 2019
SSPDF, SPLA/IO, UPDF carrying out tribal cleansing in Yei villages Feb. 12, 2019 Feb. 8, 2019
Nuer and Equatorians are uniting to wipe Dinka tribe out from south Sudan. Feb. 12, 2019 Jan. 22, 2019
A South Sudanese boda boda rider suspected to have been killed as he disappeared for know three days Feb. 12, 2019 Jan. 31, 2019
The Imvepi reception center is reopened for new arrivals. Feb. 12, 2019 Feb. 12, 2019
Lack of food to South Sudanese refugees in DR Congo's meri refugee camp forced the refugees to risky returning home. Refugees have stayed for months without aid and many have come to Uganda while others returned to South Sudan. Feb. 10, 2019 Nov. 30, 2018
Refugee women chased away from fetching firewood in Eden refugee settlement by the other members of the host community Feb. 4, 2019
Secret army recruitment taking place in Bahr-El-Ghaza region by SSD government. Feb. 1, 2019 Jan. 24, 2019
Kembe bridge along the Yei kaya road broken by the NAS fighters to stop refugee from getting back to south Sudan yet. Feb. 1, 2019 Jan. 16, 2019
Ugandan government send soldiers to fight alongside the SSPDF against the NAS rebels in south Sudan. Feb. 1, 2019 Jan. 23, 2019
Seven civilians abducted by armed men in Yei River state. Jan. 23, 2019 Jan. 21, 2019
A refugee girl rapid by a man suspected to be a member of the host community in the bushes around ofua zone while collecting firewood. Jan. 22, 2019 Dec. 10, 2018
South Sudanese refugee in Uganda are to be repatriated next year 2019 from January and February due to the recent revitalized signed peace agreement. Jan. 22, 2019
Three south Sudanese returnees fired dead along the Yei kaya road by unknown gun men. Jan. 22, 2019 Jan. 20, 2019
South Sudanese refugees from Odobu zone of Rhino Camp Refugee settlement are possessing guns. Jan. 22, 2019
South Sudanese government agents sent to convince refugee to get back to south sudan Jan. 21, 2019 Dec. 12, 2018
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